Communication Skill Criteria Information Gathering
Majority of OET candidates believe information gathering means asking questions. However, this notion is only partially correct. Always try...
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Clinical Communication Skill Criteria Providing Structure
This is yet another criterion of OET speaking which is exclusive to OET. Other English tests do not have...
Study the Rules of Usage below to ensure you meet the Standard Conventions.
Rules of Usage Medications and Diseases Proper Nouns: Common Nouns: Common Nouns do not name any specific institution, place,...
New OET 2 Reading Sub-test structure
The Occupational English Test (OET) has been developed specifically for 12 healthcare professions: Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Speech...
OET2: Listening subset structures A, B and C
“Nothing in this universe is permanent except CHANGE”………change has to be accepted as a veritable sign of progress. Most...
What will be updated in the listening module of the new OET-2 ?
As we keep reiterating, “Nothing in this universe is permanent except CHANGE”………change has to be accepted as a veritable...
What are the points to remember to pass the OET exam?
Occupational English test or the OET is a test conducted to assess the English language speaking capability of people...