




What is OET

What is OET?

OET is an international English language test that assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals who seek to register and practice in an English-speaking environment.

  • Accurately reflects ability to

communicate in an English-speaking
healthcare workplace
“OET test takers are perceived as effective communicators able to communicate
on matters that are both technical and emotional.”

  • OET has been developed specifically

to reflect workplace tasks for
12 healthcare professions
Tasks simulating real workplace scenarios and
testing relevant language skills for healthcare.

Meeting the needs of the healthcare sector

OET is a well-respected international English language test for the healthcare sector. Established in the late 1980s under contract to the Australian Federal Government, OET continues to remain relevant through continuous research and validation.

Majority owned by Cambridge English Language Assessment

Since 2013 OET has been owned by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment, a venture between Cambridge English Language Assessment and Box Hill Institute.

Cambridge English Language Assessment is a not-for-profit department of the University of Cambridge with over 100 years of experience in assessing the English language.

Box Hill Institute is a leading Australian vocational and higher education provider, active both in Australia and overseas.

We strongly recommend that you should enrol in our courses at least 1 month prior to your scheduled OET Examination